Performance Scoring Algorithm (DRAFT)

Baseline Data

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Edit Delete (i) Coverage of all willing cobblers in the Block
18 branches of various banks in Thanesar Block has sanctioned loans to 51 beneficiaries, amounting to Rs. 142.95 lakh 10-04-2018 12:25:44
Edit Delete (iii) Public Dedication after at least a month of no true reporting 0.50
It has already been initiated. During last months i.e. Feb., 2018 no reporting was reported from any sector. 23-03-2018 11:17:29
Edit Delete (ii) Initiating a Public Stray Cattle Reporting System with cash reward for true reports 0.25
Presently there is a Whatsapp group named City Clean App. 23-03-2018 11:15:10
Edit Delete (i) Covering all relevant gaps and declaring one city or ,if there is no city in the Block, one Mahagram stray cattle free 0.25
The main town in Thanesar block is Thanesar City. Initially there was 1632 cattles were reported. 23-03-2018 11:14:01
Edit Delete (i) Adoption by 10-50 new farmers 0.25
Bee Keeping: 50 Farmers have adopted. Fisheries: 67 Farmers in 95.60 Hectare. Mushrooms:50 Farmers have adopted. 23-03-2018 11:00:04
Edit Delete (i) By 50 to 200 acres 0.25
At present 9 acres area is covered under Micro-Irrigation, Awareness campaign have been started and targeted goal will be achieved during the next financial year 2018-19 23-03-2018 10:53:07