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Harsh Ka Tila

Buddhist Stupa, Kurukshetra




Jogna Khera

Raja Karan Ka Qila, Mirzapur



Saraswati Ghat Jhansa Road


It has traditional antiquity from Mahabharata time onwards. The area, rich in varied archaeological remains; was first explored in the by A. Cunningham who identified the ancient mounds at Thanesar with spots visited by Hieun Tsang in the 7th century. The site was excavated by number of scholors like D.B.Spooner (1921-23), B.B.Lal and Suraj Bhan with Jim G. Shaffer (1977)

The Dt headquarters at Kurukshetra are studded with a cluster of ancient mound. The most impressive of these are the extensive ruins on the w. of Thanesar (29°58';76°56') which are capped by a late medieval tomb associated with Sheikh Chilli. This may have been the fort of Harshavardhana whose earlier capital was Sthanisara (Thaneswar). From the ruins of Dudakheri to the e. of Thanesar town have, been discovered late Harappa pottery and PGW while remains of a Gurjara-Pratihara temple complex have been identified at Sakhaji ka Tila.

The combined sequence of cultures at the twin mounds may be divided into four Periods :

  • Period I (late Harappa) Mirzapur I
  • Period II (NBPW), I Raja Karna ka Qila I
  • Period III (early historical Yaudheya- Kushan), Raja Karna ka Qila II and Mirzapur II
  • Period IV (late medieval), Raja Karna ka Qila III and Mirzapur (Ill).

Excavations - Since Independence - Haryana

The Archaeological Survey of India

The Archaeological (Gazeteers)
